Business Presentations Training
Powerful Business Presentations
Answer First - Creating Compelling
Business Presentations
Dynamic Presentations Skills
Executive Public Speaking Skills
1 To 1 Coaching
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People form a perception of who we are and what we say by the confidence we show when we speak. Executives who can present with poise and confidence can immediately create the perception of competency and professionalism.
This class is for presenters who are already comfortable in front of a group. It assumes the knowledge of basic techniques. It will focus on the individual’s personal style and how to build on their style to be more effective and compelling.
Enhance professional credibility and increase authority at work.
Ability to structure your presentation to convince your audience.
Improve your competency to influence others through an impactful delivery.
To be able to speak extemporaneously and widen the scope of your opportunities.
Who should attend: Experienced presenters who would like to hone their skills and bring their presentation to the next level
Class Size: 10 - 12 pax